Thursday, May 2, 2013



Difference between Toads and Frogs

                  keep mostly on land                                       
                lay eggs in long chains
                 skin is dry and bumpy
                 eyes do not bulge out
            (Poison gland behind the eye)
                          no teeth                                             

jump (jump up to 36X their own length)
keep mostly on water                                                       
(go down when the sun shines)
lay eggs in clusters
skin is moist and smooth
eyes bulge out
vomerine teeth in upper jaw

Why are amphibians considered to be an indicator of the health of our ecosystems?
Bioindicators, they have permeable skin that can easily absorb toxic chemicals. They indicate the health of the biosphere. Amphibians are also used to assist in medical research.

Why has their been a decrease in their population?
Many reasons including pollution, infectious diseases, habitat loss, invasive species, climate change and over-harvesting greatly affect the population of Amphibians. 

What could be done to prevent it?
Numerous things can be done to prevent a drastic decrease in the Amphibian population. 
Do not use pesticides, these toxic chemicals are very dangerous to the species.
Don't eat frog legs. The harvesting of Amphibians for the food trade is often unregulated, which results in a primary contributor to Amphibian declines.
Do not purchase wild caught Amphibians.
Don't set your pet frog loose into the wild.
Drink tap water instead of bottled water.
Last but not least Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle!!

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