Monday, May 27, 2013

Invasive Weeds

All about Invasive Weeds

Scientific Name: Alternanthera philaxeroides
Common Name: Alligatorweed
Description: Emergent shoreline plant, aggressive, mat-forming perennial
Reproduction: Spreads from seed or plant fragments
Problems Caused: can impede navigation and displace native vegetation

Scientific Name: Myriophyllum spicatum
Common Name: Eurasian Watermilfoil
Description: Submerged, stems and red when actively growing
Reproduction: Spreads by seeds, fragments and stolens
Problems Caused: Can impede navigation and shade out native vegetation

Scientific Name: Slavinia molesta
Common Name: Giant Salvinia
Description: Free floating aquatic fern, forms dense mats, root hairs on the leaves resemble "egg beaters" structure. Known to grow 3 feet above the surface of the lake.
Reproduction: Spreads rapidly by buds
Problems Caused: reduces oxygen exchange and negatively effects water quality and habitat. Once established it is almost impossible to eradicate.

Scientific Name: Hydrilla verticuillata
Common Name: Hydrilla
Description: submerged perennial aquatic plant, used mainly for aquarium habitats.
Reproduction: Spreads through tubers, turions, stolons, and fragments. NO SEEDS
Problems Caused: Shades out desirable native vegetation, impedes navigation, and can also grow more than one inch a day.

Scientific Name: Lythrum salicaria
Common Name: Purple Loosestrife
Description: invasive wetland plant, added to wetlands for color.
Reproduction: each plant can produce 2-3 million seeds
Problems Caused: Clogs irrigation canals, causes problems in all 50 states except Florida, replaces native vegetation.

Scientific Name: Eichhornia crassipes
Common Name: Water Hyacinth
Description: "worlds worst weed", one of the fastest growing plants known.
Reproduction: daughter plans and forms thousands of seeds
Problems Caused: uptakes nutrients in the water and releases H ions which acidify the water, and dense mats reduce oxygen levels and block waterways.

Scientific Name: Pistia stratiotes
Common Name: Water Lettuce
Description: looks like lettuce, rosette of grey-green leaves.
Reproduction: daughter plants
Problems Caused: large mats than affect habitat and impede navigation

1. NEVER put aquarium plants in lakes, rivers or wetlands.
2. Please check boat trailers and props when leaving a lake.
3. Don't transport harmful aquatic plants. 

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